Just had this comment about my new book Catching Digital. (see below)
It was in an email from Michael Ratner, CEO of Compendium Australia.
Here’s what Michael said…
“Downloaded the new book yesterday afternoon and just finished reading it….. reason being once I got into it it was hard to put down. What a task this must have been. You have picked up on every requirement and nuance that goes with the digital industry. I’m very impressed.
Whilst reading I got a sore neck from nodding in agreement and wondering how you possibly could know so much. From this moment on, I refuse to deal with anyone in the IT industry unless they have read the book so that not only do they know what they should know but they should also know what I know. This book is the equivalent of what I would want in a contract. I know 300 odd pages seems big for a contract but there’s no surreptitious small print in your book.
It’s just plain 100% honest and nails everything.”
Thanks again Michael. Glad you enjoyed the book and found it useful. And thanks for letting me share your comment with others.
As my old friend Sue said, “What an awesome endorsement”.
To find out more, go to the info page on Catching Digital.
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