Online retailing is getting pretty sophisticated, but here are 7 simple pointers from a recent webinar presented by You can read the full report here.
1. Efficiency rules: Price is important, but today’s consumers are in a hurry, and really value convenience.
2. Include rich information: Provide lots of useful info to help shoppers become buyers.
3. Videos help with merchandising: Product videos give authority, can improve SEO rankings and help make more sales, especially when linked to order pages.
4. Use Visualization tools: Showcase your products with tools that help boost your authority and credibility.
5. Continue Social Integration: Passionate customers can form a very active community.
6. Cross Channel Consistency: As Elizabeth Ragone says, you don’t need “consistency for consistency’s sake” across different channels. “Instead retailers have to figure out what each channel does best and capitalize on those differences.”
7. Know Your Customer: Study and understand the data you have and listen to your customers.
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